The Miller Place Civic Association was formed in 1972, and incorporated a few years later in 1976 under the not-for-profit laws of the State of New York.
From our by-laws: As a representative body, to further a sense of community and to assist in worthy causes beneficial to the community in general. To promote, protect, encourage and advance the quality of life in Miller Place, NY; to support the well being and needs of our community; to support our local schools and student affairs through scholarships, awards, and extra curricular programs, when financially feasible, and volunteer our services, as needed: and to provide information to the membership on matters of concern to the community.
The following is a brief outline of the workings of some of our committees:
BEAUTIFICATION: We have been engaged in beautification projects since our inception. We have tried to create a sense of what our hamlet is like to live and work in. To this end, we have installed "Welcome to Miller Place" signs on North Country Road as you approach the historic area, along Miller Place Road in the midst of a quiet wooded area, and at the Sylvan Avenue Park site. We have planted the red maple trees along Echo Avenue in the early 1970's. This was our first beautification project. We have added plantings to various community sites, including the Duck Pond. We support other community groups in their efforts of beautification. We acknowledge individuals who contribute their time and effort in beautifying their neighborhood.
ZONING AND PLANNING: It is through the workings of this committee that the membership is kept abreast of the growth and development taking place within the hamlet and in the adjacent hamlets. It was instrumental in bringing various organizations within Miller Place together to work on the hamlet study of the mid 1990's. It continues to monitor land division application filings with the township as well as applications for change of zone. The committee and its subcommittee - Architectural Integrity, work with the developers and owners in the design of their buildings and landscaping of the properties. Members attend town hearings whenever possible,
MEMBERSHIP: This committee is chaired by a member of the board of directors. It is responsible for maintaining the membership roll, reaching out to new residents, preparing the distribution of the newsletter.
ENVIRONMENT: This committee is chaired by PHIL HARRINGTON. It is responsible for following issues concerning the environment that may have an impact on the Miller place community at large.
YOUTH: The civic association was very much involved in the early days of Tri-district Youth Council, predecessor to the North Shore Youth Council in encouraging their involvement with our community. It continues to support the workings of the North Shore Youth Council. The association is the proud sponsor of local Boy Scouts of America Troop - Troop 204. We welcomed this sponsorship and will assist them whenever possible in their projects.
SCHOOL AFFAIRS: We provide annually at least three scholarships to seniors at graduation. We contribute to the annual oratorical contest. From time to time, if some assistance is needed by a student in financial need to attend the Presidential Conference, such assistance is provided. We also try to provide information relating to the school that is of concern to the taxpayer. We do not take a stand on budgets, bonds, or candidates to the school board.
BY-LAWS: A board of director member is assigned to head the by-laws committee whenever revisions are to be made.
communication for the association and with a farther reach than the newsletter.
THE CIVIC TIMES: the newsletter of the association is a collaborative
effort of the Board of Directors and its President. It is the principal means
of communication with the membership. Membership has steadily grown with the
expanding population of the hamlet.
Other committees are formed as needed. For example: Petitions may be circulated, a committee will be set up to coordinate the work to collecting signatures.
Special Projects do come up and a committee will be formed if necessary to tackle the issue. On many occasions a board of director member will volunteer to work on the project. For example: A charitable fund raiser that the association may want to partake in requiring the effort of a committee to coordinate.
MERCHANT OF THE MONTH: While this is not a committee, members are encouraged to notify us of a merchant who provides service to the community and to his customers. Because we are proud of our community, we urge people to support their local merchants. They provide not only personal service, but quality products, and knowledge of their wares. To encourage this we initiated in the year 2001, the Merchant of Month Award.
We encourage our members to participate in a committee. Often the committees
meet a few times a year, as needed.
Our Committees | |||
Beautification | Zoning | Membership |
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