February News Letter |
Miller Place Civic Association, Inc. P.O. Box 623, Miller Place, NY 11764 Web page: www.millerplacecivic.org 631.473.0943 Email: millerplacecivic@aol.com A Message From the PresidentDear Neighbor,Our board meeting last week was attended by Town Councilman Kevin McCarrick. This allowed us a smaller forum to discuss some of the priorities we’d like to accomplish and need his assistance with. He will join us again at a general membership meeting later in the year. Areas addressed included land use, Sylvan Avenue Park, landscaping at the North Country Road area recently updated for traffic control, renovation of sidewalks along the Historic district, grants available for community projects, open space preservation, impact taxes, litter, and the possibility of a community recreation center in the future similar to what has been proposed for Shoreham. We present what we feel is important for our community through interactions with members, verbal and written, so please continue to call and email your comments. Kathy Rousseau Heritage Trust The Heritage Trust is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to enhancing natural resources and the distinctive character of the surrounding communities. Educational, cultural and social events will foster appreciation for the area’s heritage. The Trust was formed to support “smart growth” and to enhance our sense of community. Members of the Board of the Trust and all committees are volunteers. These volunteers devote the time and skills to help create a park and center that will be enjoyed now and for generations to come. I sincerely hope that many of you are utilizing the North Shore Heritage Park. There were a lot of children sledding there on the day off from school February13th when our area was blanketed with over a foot of snow. However, there is still a misconception that it is a Mount Sinai Park. Mount Sinai Civic leaders and residents are the ones who spearheaded the effort to establish this wonderful space and from it’s conception planned for it to be used by all residents of our area. The Heritage Trust’s mission is to serve the North Shore; their initial focus has been this park. Join the Heritage Trust’s Community Partnership Campaign by donating a Brick for use in the park. The donation will: · Help build the Heritage Community Center · Create a wonderful playground · Develop an amphitheater · Plant trees and shrubs around the North Shore Heritage Park. Their website is www.msheritagetrust.org. You’ll find interesting links to general information, the fundraiser, and articles from local newspapers. Membership Welcome to new members Larry Brown, Michael Candy, and Chris & Michele Schaeffer. It is time to renew your membership for the year 2006. Check your mailing label for the year you are paid up through. New residents are added to our mailing list for several months which is indicated with an * after your name. We hope you consider learning about and joining our association. The cold weather keeps most of us from any outdoor beautification efforts around our homes, and so it is with the civic association. Plans are in the works for the warming of Spring. We have volunteers to repaint the Welcome signs damaged by graffiti which will get them back to their original state and save us a considerable amount of money. In the next month the group who volunteered to design the garden at the pond, funded by the TOB in honor of Kelli, will meet to develop ideas. Photos of the litter that destroys the landscape along RT 25A have been sent to the State Highway Dept. in hopes of establishing a significant clean-up effort. In one spot alone at the corner of Sylvan Ave there were two dozen Gatorade bottles. A board member suggested we place a garbage can there so the individual leaving them might just decide to throw them away correctly. It’s the attitude of “someday they’ll learn” that gives us hope in the face of a worsening situation. Disposing of the litter ourselves is the most viable alternative to waiting for the town or state to do it on a regular basis, which is what needs to occur. Our third annual Miller Place Clean-up will take place in May again, however the exact date is yet to be determined. We will schedule around the availability of Troop 204 who muster the maximum amount of manpower for us. Last year we made the mistake of conflicting with a camp outing. Is anyone else disturbed by the influx of bus stops along 25A with huge, bright advertising ? The bus stops themselves are not a problem except I’ve yet to see anyone use one. There is a problem with the bright blue/lime green ads which are so out of context with what we’ve all been striving for aesthetically along our commercial corridor. Kevin McCarrick confirmed that the company who placed them charges nothing for their installation and maintenance. I’m quite sure they charge their mostly national customers a substantial fee. Not that long ago Lou Gallo coordinated an effort to eliminate illegal signage as well as cut back on excessive signage along Route 25A. In my eyes these are just as ugly and inappropriate. They’ve actually sprung up all over Brookhaven but seem more noticeable
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