April 2007 News Letter

P.O. Box 623, Miller Place, NY  11764


Email:  millerplacecivic@aol.com

Web page:  millerplacecivic.org



A Message From the President

Dear Neighbor,

            "The earth laughs in flowers."
As a gardener, this is one of my favorite quotes. Spring is a reliable yearly testament to this as crocus, daffodils, and tulips bloom. Thiese's no nice way to describe the opposite situation that is becoming worse by the day. I speak of the litter which also reliably appears on our roadways, in shopping center, and even our own neighborhoods. There is absolutely no virtue in the 7-11 and Starbucks cups, McDonalds and Wendy's bags, and my favorite, the cigarette butts, discarded in part by our own residents of all ages. I truly believe this can only be stopped by teaching our youngest children that it's never OK to throw things out the car window, not even a gun wrapper, and to be positive role models. In a perfect world that is. In the meantime we have to continue efforts to encourage the town, county and state to provide cleanups on a regular basis, as they have been promising.
         Our annual Miller Place clean-up will be held on April 14th from 9-11 and we are asking you to all help out and fill one bag. We'll meet by the old Waldbaums to distribute garbage bags, gloves and shirts. Brookhaven highway staff will be partcipating and available for discussing any of your specific problems. If you'd like to "adopt" a road in your neighborhood for the morning on your own, please email us at millerplacecivic@aol.com so that we know the area is covered. We can make a huge difference if we all pitch in for this one morning. Please consider helping out.

                                               Kathy Rousseau

MPCA Board of Directors

                      Kathy Rousseau - President/Membership           Jim Moran- Vice President, Zoning/Planning
                      Kyle Markott– Zoning/Planning                          Frank Klement-Traffic and Safety
                      Rita Miszuk– Secretary                                      Phil Harrington - Environment
                      Jackie Czarnecki - School Affairs, Seniors          Mike Guido-Zoning/Planning, Schools
                      Rocco Morabito

Board Meetings are held the second Monday of the month.
General membership meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month.

General Membership Meeting

April 23, 2007 7:30 PM HS Library
Marilyn Fabbricante
Director of Public & External Affairs
St. Charles Hospital

May 21, 2007 7:30 PM
Brian Foley, Brookhaven Supervisor
Mike Cosel, Rails to Trails
MP Fire Department


Chairman Jim Moran reports that the Delea development is yet to move forward. There is a meeting planned with the Town of Brookhaven next week and we are anticipating new comments on the project.

No formal plans have been submitted to the town for Miller Place Plaza. We are awaiting color renderings of their buildings. Jim met with residents of Countrypoint condos to explain what we've heard so far.

No formal plans have been submitted for the Ging's nursery property, nor any confirmation that it is actually in the process of being sold.

There have been plenty of rumors but no confirmation on a new tenant for the Waldbaums store from the new shopping center owner.

Hamlet Study

The core group of Woody Brown, John Kreutz, and Kathy Rousseau have begun work on updatiing the 1996 hamlet study. We are looking for volunteers from our membership to review segments of the existing document and make recommendations for the update. As we work along updates will be reflected on the website. There will also be a way to supply comments on specific portions if that is how you wish to contribute input.

Suffolk County

Legislator Dan LoSquadro is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Saturday, April 21, 2007 in the King Kullen Shopping Center, Mount Sinai, 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Call 854-1600 for more details. We've been told there is a very severe blood shortage right now.

Cub Pack 204's Blue & Gold Dinner

Legislator Daniel P. Losquandro was in attendance to congratulate the scouts from Pack 204 as they held their Blue & Gold dinner. Civic member and scout leader Victor Varonnier (back left) was also celebrated for his work with the pack and for moving up with his scouts. The dinner was held to perform the Arrow of Light Ceremony that marks the graduation, or crossing over, from Cub Sscouts to Boy Scouts. In all, more than 250 people turned out to support the boys as they continue their journey with the Boy Scouts of America. This organization instills a sense of community in our young people and prepares them to make ethical and moral choices throughout their lifetimes.

Support the Troops

The Rocky Point Lion’s Club is spearheading a 2007 campaign for northeast Brookhaven with local businesses and groups for contributions to send our troops care packages, letters/cards of encouragement. Be on the lookout for collection boxes throughout Miller Place in the near future. A list of suggested items has been hung in the kiosk at the Stop & Shop center. As collection sites are established they will be posted in the kiosk and on our website. For more information please contact Lion’s President Lou Gallo at LJgallo@optonline.net, 821-2290 or Event Chairman Bob Caggiano caggianob@aol.com, 375-0993.

Traffic Safety

Frank Klement reports that The NYS DOT has scheduled an investigation into his request to hang the 25A/Miller Place Road “No Turn on Red” sign overhead. There has also been a request to add a turning signal to the light at 25A/Pipe Stave Hollow Road.

**************ANNUAL CLEAN-UPS*************

MILLER PLACE Saturday April 14th 9-11:00

Meet near the old Waldbaums for distribution of sites, garbage bags, gloves and shirts. We’ll have bagels, juice, & coffee to energize you before sending you off to clean. Please come to help out with filling just one bag! That won’t take much time at all with all the litter on our streets.

CEDAR BEACH Saturday April 21st 8AM until done

Coffee, Hot Chocolate & Donuts 8-9AM

Meeting place is the Mount Sinai Yacht Club

Work Areas will be assigned            Lunch at 12:00

Equipment needed: Gloves, rakes appreciated

Gloves and bags will be provided

Historic Society News

The next meeting is Monday, April 9 at the Congregational Church in Mt. Sinai.  All members are eligible to vote for officers and board of directors at 7:30 followed by a free lecture open to the public at 7:45. The topic is the successful raid of the British Fort St.George which was located on the estate of William Floyd, signer of the Declaration of Independence.  Led by Setauket Spy Ring leader, Benjamin Tallmadge, it is a daring piece of history.  Perhaps you have visited Mt. Sinai Harbor at the very spot where the boats were hidden! The Annual Appraisal  Night will be held  Saturday, April 28 at 7 PM at  the Congregational Church in Mt. Sinai.  The $10 admission includes one appraisal.  Each additional item is $3 with a limit of three items per person.   Call 476-5742 to reserve a spot.  Leave your name, phone and number of persons attending.  Refreshments will be served.  This is always fun and entertaining evening with Lloyd of Greenport. Think of it as our own Antique Road Show!

Board nominations

There are five positions being voted on at next month’s meeting. A short bio of those running will be emailed and posted on our website prior to then. Those interested please contact Kathy at 473-0943.


Welcome to new members André & Edward Berlin. Thank-you to all members who have mailed in their 2007 renewal. New residents are added to our mailing list for several months which is indicated with an * after your name. Printing and postage is one of our main expenses and the reason we have to limit the number of newsletters sent out to non-members.

New from Rita

Save a Pet, Cliff's Clinic and the Animal Shelter and Affordable Pet Care will all be joining in to help manage the costs and care for the cats under their care at Woodhaven Nursing Home. They are still in need of food for those of you interested. Monetary donations in the name of Rita Miszuk and Sue Jacowski/ Woodhaven Nursing Home Cats can be made to Save a Pet or Affordable Pet Care adjoining the Animal Shelter on Horseblock Road. They estimate the cat count at 50. There are also home nursed, hand tamed kittens looking for homes.

Upcoming General Membership Meeting Dates for 2007

September 23 Kevin McCarrick and Daniel LoSquadro
October 22 TBA Possible meet the Candidates night
November 26 TBA

General Membership Meetings

April 23, 2007 7:30 PM HS Library
Marilyn Fabbricante
Director of Public & External Affairs
St. Charles Hospital

May 21, 2007 7:30 PM
Brian Foley, Brookhaven Supervisor
Mike Cosel, Rails to Trails
MP Fire Department



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