P.O. Box 623, Miller Place, NY 11764
I was recently asked by Kevin McCarrick to be one of the representatives for the 2nd district on the newly formed Brookhaven Town Anti-Litter Task Force. I’ve commented on the deplorable litter situation in this column so it’s no surprise that I jumped at the chance to actually be a part of an effort to address the problem beyond our cleanup efforts.
The Town has adopted the Keep America Beautiful program as our model. Many of you will remember the original familiar ad showing a Native American shedding a tear after viewing a polluted river. Litter is not a new problem, it just seems that it has become overwhelming and out of control in many areas of Long Island. The town Waste Management dept. states they have spent 3 million dollars over the past two years to manage litter in our communities. There is a concerted effort underway to remove illegal advertisements along the right of ways in the grass or on poles. They are not targeting ads for community events, or local tag sales. For the next few months we will be inundated with political signs.
A problem yet to be addressed is that the town is responsible for only certain roads, the remainder being county or state controlled. We still have to involve them at some point for the effort to be more complete.
We have had three meetings, begun the KAB training and will soon collect baseline data of representative areas in all districts. This information will be evaluated by the KAB staff and a plan of action formulated. You can help by recycling, cleaning litter in your neighborhood, and helping spread the word whenever possible. This is an effort we all have to participate in to be successful -homeowners/families, businesses, schools and government.
Kathy Rousseau
Planning/Zoning Updates
Our general meeting Monday night Sept 24th at 7:30 will feature Dan Losquadro and Kevin McCarrick. We expect current information from them on development issues in our hamlet.
After four years of work by Jim Moran and others on our Board it appears that the DeLea Sod Farm will not be developed with single family homes and PRCs. The developer’s contract expired and the family decided they would like to see the land preserved. Efforts are underway to purchase the development rights. This is a new, welcome change in plans and we don’t have any more specifics at this time.
The Waldbaums shopping center has once again become an eyesore. The work done by the previous owner to upgrade it has dissipated to conditions practically worse than ever with weeds and litter, front and rear. Word from the new owner is that Waldbaums has continued to pay their lease because they don?t want another supermarket to replace them. They see this as competition to their Rocky Point store. The unfinished western end of the center remains a mess. Skateboarders have no respect for traffic driving through the rear of the center. The real shame in all this is the current businesses who are struggling because they don’t have the anchor store required to draw in the steady stream of customers previously seen. They are told they can count on this when they sign their leases.
Please don’t forget to shop at these local stores.
Many people have asked, but rumors about Ging’s Nursery closing have not been verified by the owners. We cannot comment on a situation unless it is substantiated.
The Vassilaros family and their representatives met with the MPCA Board of Directors to present a plan for subdividing their property in June. John Vassilaros verbalized a desire to see the land preserved. The plan shared with us was for 58 single family homes on 64.6 acre parcel with 24.3 acres dedicated to the Town of Brookhaven to remain natural. This was our first request for open space preservation when the bonds were passed in 2004, however inquiries by Brookhaven and Suffolk County to the family went unanswered until now. The next step is for the town to determine the appropriate yield so that appraisals can be acquired by the owners. This can then be followed by steps put in place by governmental interests to determine fair market value and hopefully progress to negotiations for preservation. It will take time no matter which direction this takes, but be assured that we will share information with you as we hear it.
The planning/zoning committee have been involved with architectural integrity issues for Miller Place Plaza, opposite Friendly’s shopping center. A TGIF is planned along with several smaller stores, possibly clothing. Jim has been advocating a stop light to facilitate traffic safety but to date the State DOT does not see the need. No one wants to see another light if it isn’t necessary, but this site appears to be more than appropriate.
Rita Miszuk's Beautification Committee.
The Town installed signs advertising the Landscaper's showcase at the Sylvan Avenue sump. There are three landscapers who have started work. The first action was from Christopher Michaels Landscaping Place, followed by Greg and Ryan Berkoski, and AAPDesigns (Richard Provenzano), all from Miller Place. It is taking time, however volunteer efforts are making a difference in the aesthetics of our community. If you are interested in assisting with one of these projects please call or email and we will suggest work needing to be done that fits your time, ability and interest.
Road Improvement Projects
County Executive Steve Levy recently signed legislation providing for extensive road repairs and expansions throughout Suffolk County. The resolutions allocate millions of dollars towards improving Suffolk County's infrastructure, in the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Islip, Smithtown and Southampton. The legislature approved the resolutions on August 21.
Historic Society News
The Miller Place-Mount Sinai Historic Society is now registering for fall and winter children's programs. Both activities take place at the 1720 historic William Miller House at 75 No. Country Rd., Miller Place. Ghost Stories for children grades K-2 is scheduled for Friday, October 26, 6-7:30. Stories, craft, and refreshments for this drop-off program is $10 and $7 for members.
Postman Pete Dec. 2 anytime from 1-3 PM is when children may meet Postman Pete and mail their letter to the North Pole at the old Miller Place Post office (next to the historic house) and wait for a response from Santa at their home! This program is only $5. For either program, write a check to MPMSHS and mail to POB 723, Miller Place, NY 11764. Indicate either Ghost Stories or Postman Pete on your envelope. Visit www.mpmshistoricalsociety.org.
Welcome to new members Andrea & Peter Grell, Holly & Chris Jacobsen and Gloria Santillo. There are a number of you who havent yet renewed for 2007. With three months to go I have to ask you once more to remember to send in your annual dues.
New residents are added to our mailing list for several months which is indicated with an * after your name. There are many new names included in this mailing. Please visit our Web Site, www.millerplacecivic.org, to learn more about our association and consider membership. New members receive a 3 month subscription to the North Shore Sun.
Hurricane Preparedness
As we enter the peak of the 2007 hurricane season, Senator Kenneth P. LaValle is encouraging residents to plan ahead. The Senator has partnered with several community supermarkets to distribute information that will help consumers "Get Ready" by creating their own "disaster preparedness kits." Senator LaValle believes that being prepared is the best defense for residents and families should a hurricane strike our area.
This is available at www.senatorlavalle.com.
Upcoming Meetings
October 1 Meet the Candidates Mt Sinai MS 8PM
October 22 CPF presentation; John Rouse/ Hwy Dept.