December News Letter |
Miller Place Civic Association, Inc. P.O. Box 623, Miller Place, NY 11764 Web page: 631.473.0943 Email:
A Message From the Board
Dear Neighbor, The Civic Board members wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy, safe, healthy New Year. Please join us this Sunday evening for a brief but meaningful community celebration. There are so few times during the year that we can facilitate a gathering of our families. As the population grows so does our inability to know each other in the same manner as a smaller community. This is one way to be a part of the hamlet of Miller Place. We are hoping for good weather and your participation. Happy Holidays, Kathy Rousseau, Jim Moran, Jacqueline Czarnecki, Joe Geraci, Michael Guido, Frank Klement, Jim Lemley, Klyle Markott, and Rocco Morabito Boy Scout Troop 204 On Dec. 3rd Boy Scout Troop 204 decorated Kelli’s Pond for the holidays. They spent considerable time raking and generally cleaning the whole area several weeks ago. November 20th was a very special day for three scouts from this troop. Brenden Coleman, Kevin Feinstein, and Kevin Matura were honored at an Eagle ceremony commemorating their accomplishment in attaining this level of scouting. Each worked very hard to achieve this designation, in part through community projects which they planned, funded, and worked through completion. For the coming year Life Scout Dan Martin will be building picnic tables with benches and a free-standing bench for the pond as his community service project. This is coming at a perfect time since a memorial garden at the pond will be planted this spring in honor of Kelli Harkins, funded by the Town of Brookhaven. We are looking for professional assistance in planning this garden so please give a call to the civic number if you’re interested. Another new component of this troop is Venturing BSA. It is the young adult program of the Boy Scouts of America for men and women who are 14-20. Its purpose is to provide experiences to impact the positive development of youth at a critical stage in their lives and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults. Our association sponsors Troop and Pack 204. We are proud of this relationship and look forward to it continuing well into the future. Beautification Andrea Kinstler has volunteered to take over the responsibility of Beautification chairperson this coming year. We will be meeting after the holidays to revitilize the committee. If you are interested please call, email, or note it on your membership renewal form. The trees promised us by the Orenstein-Leyton Corp to replace the ones removed during clearing for The Vineyards were planted Dec 5th at Sylvan Avenue Park. They are beautiful specimen trees-Dawn Redwood and Pin Oak. 3rd Annual Holiday Tree Lighting This Sunday, December 11th, at 6:30 PM we will hold our holiday tree lighting in front of Starbucks in the Stop & Shop center. This is co-sponsored by the Fire Department who will safely deliver Santa via a decorated fire truck at the end of his ride through Miller Place at approximately 7 PM. Prior to his arrival there will be coffee and hot chocolate provided by Starbucks, and cookies from Stop & Shop. The high school vocal jazz group will entertain us with their lovely voices, and the girl scouts will present a Christmas poem. Santa will have plenty of time to listen to children’s requests upon his arrival. We ask that you consider bringing an unwrapped gift to contribute to the Starlight/Starbright foundation, sponsored by Starbucks. Rome Night lights: LIPA are you listening? Membership We welcome new members Renee Almodovar, Sue Christie, Jayne Johnson-Seeberger and Rita Miszuk. It is time to renew your membership for the year 2006. Check your mailing label for the year you are paid up through. New residents are added to our mailing list for several months which is indicated with an * after your name. We hope you consider learning about and joining our association. Senior Citizen/MOD center update The tearing down of the existing center is anticipated in the near future after removal of asbestos. The laying of the foundation and subsequent construction was planned to begin at the end of this year, with remaining work resuming in the spring. The majority of the Town of Brookhaven supporting staff is still planned to have offices at this facility. The mini buses originally slated to be housed on the property will now be located on Canal Road which will eliminate the extra traffic on roads that are already overburdened. Planning /Zoning There is still no word on the Delea property moving ahead in the application process with the town. We will share information with you as we receive it. There are no other current issues other than the proposed Mobil station on Rt. 25A west of the CVS center, located in Mount Sinai but on the border of Miller Place, which is still in the beginning phases of discussion. We are awaiting our second meeting with the developers. Of concern is what will be done with the adjoining property since it would also have to be rezoned to allow sufficient land for the station. General Membership Meeting Dates for 2006 Jan 24th April 24th Feb. 27th May 22nd March 27 We have ideas but do not have any speakers planned as yet. Your suggestions are welcome. __________________________________________________________________ We recently received word that Tony DiPaola, a longtime resident and civic member, is home receiving nursing and spiritual care from the Good Shepard Hospice program. Tony and his wife Cathy have been instrumental in cleaning their area around Helme Avenue, including the Civic sign on Miller Place Road. If you’d like to send him a card his address is 154 Helme Avenue. ____________________________________________________________________ SuffolkCounty Joint Emergency Evacuation Program The Department of Fire and Rescue and Emergency Services (FRES) along with the Office of the Handicapped is trying to identify the county’s frail and/or disabled residents who have no one (relative, friend, neighbor) to help them evacuate in the event of an emergency. They would appreciate this information at 852-4850. Reminder: Its now time to renew for 2006
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